Archive for November, 2014

Having an effective website is not only important to increase the quality of service for your current patients, it can also attract new patients into setting appointments.  It is critical to have a user-friendly interface and a good design for your website for patients to want to use your services.

Website layouts should not be an afterthought.  The usability of the website can drastically change the likelihood for a new patient to schedule an appointment or to come back when they are ready.  Below are a list of techniques to achieve a more usable website.

  1. Put information where the most eyes are.  Statistics have show people read the first half of the page and the left pane the most.
  2. Maximize how web visitors “read” pages.  Have navigation bars and list headlines horizontally.
  3. Have a quick load time for your website.  If a competitor site is faster, the customer will most likely use that over yours.
  4. Provide a large enough search box.
  5. Use the same page layout for all your pages.
  6. Use 4 or less colors for text. Keep different fonts to a minimum.
  7. Links should be easy to spot and change color after clicking.

To learn more and to see the infographic please visit:

Healthcare is now shifting from provider power to consumer power.  In the past, providers had all the information and patients had little idea on statistics of said provider or reviews of their services.

Many providers are being reimbursed on calculations partly based on patient satisfaction.  Providers can ensure patient satisfaction and full reimbursement by following the RATER model (Reliability, Assurance, Tangibles, Empathy, and Responsiveness).



Patients want their health care provider to be reliable. Provide continuous employee training on how to provide reliable care and attention to detail.


Patients want to feel confident that they’re getting the right service. Provide the big picture issue and discuss specifics. Most important, ask questions and encourage a back-and-forth exchange with the patient.


Patients benefit from something tangible after their treatment, like instructions for home care or tips to stay healthy.


Patients like to be heard, and that they have a say in their course of treatment.


Do not overpromise timely services but keep patients informed of the timing of their care.

To learn more about each one of these topics please visit: