Medical and Dental practices

MH900400941Marketing and Practice Development contributes to a high quality, comprehensive, profitable medical or dental practice: Our solutions focus on developing professional referral relationships with physicians, community organizations, and other healthcare providers in the local community, with the goal of maximizing referral opportunities and enhancing awareness of the practice.  The return on investment from these initiatives contributes to increases in patient volume, establishing new services, creating a collaborative network, and superior patient relations.

Medical and dental practices tend to be highly dynamic and specialized.  In order to make an impact, years of experience have led to proven, tactical objectives based on market assessments and provider needs.  All of which are based specifically on the mission, vision, goals, and objectives of the practice.

The services we provide are targeted, customized, and measurable… Fitness for your practice’s HART, mind and bottom line!

Tactics include but are not limited to:

Establish and implement strategic planning

Generate and execute direct mail campaigns

Design marketing collateral

Design patient education materials, brochures

Develop and host customer service training

Employ secret shopper program

Issue resolution/ crisis communication strategies

Branding/ Positioning

Public relations support

Social media marketing

Online reputation management

Website Development

Email marketing

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