Posts Tagged ‘Dance’

Has it been a while since you laced up your sneakers and hit the gym?  One of the best things a healthier lifestyle can bring you is piece of mind, toner muscles, and a smaller waistline…. but sometimes all that sweat and heart pounding can get monotonous.  Have no fear!  Check out some of my favorite fitness items and see if you can find something to motivate you to get sexy-back 🙂

Koreen’s person faves:

  • mini trampoline… even better when you can take an “Urban Rebounding” class!
  • Bosu, which stands for both sides utilized… don’t let the look fool you, the Bosu can be used for both cardio and strength exercises- it’s a killer workout no matter what you do!
  • TRX… now utilized in many gym settings, the TRX is hands down one of the fitness tools I wish I had at home!
  • Pilates ring… as a Pilates instructor, I can assure you that any pilates apparatus is sure to be a serious workout for your core and provides great full-body toning
  • Fitness video games rock!  My personal fave is Your Shape 2012, closely followed by Dance Central… but I honestly love anything that makes me move… just ask my husband when he comes home and sees me flailing in front of out Xbox kinnect 🙂
  • Stability ball… the only way I have found to enjoy working my core without a class or Pilates is by incorporating the stability ball into every workout!

Check them all out!

As we continue our fundraising campaign, pledge only $50 and receive a complimentary 30 minute exercise video (delivered electronically) on the workout of YOUR choice (ie. strength, cardio, kickbox, step, yoga, pilates, core, bootcamp, dance etc.).  Help the cause today! See more at Rock the Post: